November 1

Professional development workshops, panels, and discussions

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Neuro Careers Beyond Academia: Facebook Reality Labs

7:30-9 AM PST | 10:30-Noon EST | 3:30-5 PM GMT

Parallel Panel Discussions:

9-10 AM PST | 12-1PM EST | 5-6 PM GMT (Parallel sessions)

Applying for U.S. Graduate Programs during COVID

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Applying for U.S. Medical Schools and Postbacc Programs during COVID

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Applying for International Graduate Programs during COVID

Professional Development Workshop
11 AM PST | 2 PM EST | 7 PM GMT

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How to Shine in Virtual Presentations and Interviews

Mentor-Mentee Spotlight
1-2 PM PST | 4-5 PM EST | 9-10 PM GMT

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A Conversation with Bita Moghaddam, Phd and Marguerite Matthews, PhD